Here is Elsie. She is the dog of my internship supervisor. Ed and I had the pleasure of watching her while her "mommy" was in India visiting family. She is the greatest dog and we both fell in love with her. We did so much together. She enjoyed running around the golf course(pic.2) and riding in the car with me(pic.4) We miss her!
Well, it is definately a COLD day in New England. We knew it was coming eventually. It is the coldest it's been here in TWO years. Hmm...wasn't it just 70 degrees not that long ago? I will be putting up new pictures up ASAP. I can't find the cord that connects my camera to the computer, so i am going to borrow ed's. There are great ones of Elsie...we miss her lots. She was a great dog to sitt for. On a positive note, I met a great person today! He is actually my new OB/GYN. I went in for that lovely annual exam and learned that he might be a help in my music therapy career! I told him my interest is working in a neonatal intensive care unit. It just so happens that he knows the HEAD OF NEONATOLOGY at Beth Israel Medical Center here in Boston!!!!!!! He said that they are always into new research and up and coming techniques. He told me to give him a call once I have a proposal written and he will connect me. How amazing is that!!!!! You just never know the connections you will make while getting a pelvic exam!
I haven't really had much to write lately. Today through Sunday I am watching Elsie, a beautiful yellow (though she looks white) lab. She is really sweet and unlike Champ Dog, does NOT drool everywhere. She is used to going to Star House, so she will be coming with me to work. I don't go back to school until Monday, so we will be hanging out together. Since her Mommy is gone, I am the only therapist working at Star House for the next TWO weeks. I am excited about the challenge, but a bit nervous as well. I will post some Elsie pics when I get a chance to show you the fun we are having.
(Pronounced Glaw-steh for you non- New Englanders) This is a statue to all of the men that have been lost at sea. More ocean! Mimi by the ocean! I just barely caught the sun before it set.
This is a beach in Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA. It's actually called Singing Beach! Given its name, I had to see it. We went on Sat. when it was 70 degrees!! There were many people that were there enjoying it. It's one of the few beaches that dogs to not have to be leashed. They were enjoying the weather too! There's Mimi enjoying the day!
For those of you that didn't hear my Christmas gifts from Ed, I thought I would share! Ed got me tickets to see Josh Groban when he comes to Boston to sing at the Garden. The other ticket is for Kristin and he is flying her out to spend the weekend with me! How awesome is that! I can't wait!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Emma and baby Baylor having a snack Oh, the amazing wonder of bubble wrap! Kylie the red nosed reindeer.
Here we are sitting on the front steps of the Toledo Museum of Art. Ranked as one of the top 10 museums in the country. See, we knew Toledo had to have something! The girls being cute, not that they have to try that hard. :)
I am a music therapist & mental health clinician. I work as a home-visiting therapist with the families of infants with developmental disabilities and/or complex medical needs. My work focuses on coming to terms with unexpected outcomes of pregnancy/child birth and healing the trauma that goes along with that.
I am also incredibly passionate about alternative healing/treatment modalities. I also have a slight obsession with kale!