Take a look at the boy in the picture. He's just another sad example of disgusting hatred that infects our society. He was recently killed in his school in California. While sitting at a computer a classmate shot him in the head. What could he possible do that was so terrible to deserve death? He came out that he was gay. This was obviously too much for someone to handle. But why? Was this child, 15 when he was killed, hurting anyone? I doubt it. What business is it of anyone's. A person's own sexual orientation is their business. If they want to share it, fine. However, it still does not justify any mistreatment because of that. Everyone has opinions, fine. Keep them to yourself. People that are strait, gay, red, blue, and pokadotted are ALL PEOPLE. It blows my mind that anyone could hate someone based on such a superficial level. So sad. Here is the link to the article about this tragedy.