i decided to do a little crafting this weekend. i plan on the majority of my holiday gifts this year being homemade. that being said, i have only slightly started. the ideas are there, many of the supplies are here, but the starting, that's the hardest.
this weekend i completed:
1. taylor's bday and c'mas gifts
2. cutting out more things for other gifts
3. and made a shirt for myself.
i am NOT trained in any way shape or form on sewing or how to use my machine. i got an idea, grabbed a plain tee and went for it. it's obviously not perfect, but oh well. i did it all by myself! it's hard to see much of the detail, but i used sheer nylon ribbon in an overlapping pattern. i was going to make it reach closer to the edges, but i got bored and needed to move on. that's usually how i work, therefore i have to do easy projects that can be quickly completed. i don't need to add to the countless half-knitted scarves that i have lying around!