I see lots of kids on prescription medication. Probably way too many. It's the easy thing to do though, there's something "wrong" with your kid so a doctor writes a prescription. This is Western medicine. In a better system, in my opinion and of being treated by both Western and Eastern medicine, options would be given.
One of the things that really bothers me is the advertising of prescription drugs. Stuffy nose? With this med you will soon be prancing through a meadow like the lady on tv. Anti-depressant not working? Add an anti-psychotic! The following facts are from a non-profit organization addressing the marketing of prescription drugs:
Every $1.00 spent advertising prescription drugs is estimated to increase their retail sales by $4.20.
The United States and New Zealand are the only two countries where direct to consumer (DTC)advertising of prescription drugs is legal.
As of May, 2011, the average number of prescriptions for new drugs with DTC advertising is nine times greater than prescriptions for new drugs without DTC ads.