Okay, so here is Michelle's pretty little car. (well, this one is a little newer, but you get the idea) Michelle loved her car very much. She gave it gas when it was hungry, a washing when it was dirty, and cleaned out the inside whenever it started getting cluttered. Michelle was very proud of her car for driving her and her bestest friend Kristin from Ohio all the way to Massachusetts. One day Michelle's car starting making weird noices and didn't want to shift right. Michelle took it to the car doctor right away. He was very nice and took good car of her car and did some tests on it. He asked Michelle if she had remembered to fill out the book that she got when the car was born with all of the information about oil changes and transmission checks. Michelle saddly shook her head. She didn't know that she was supposed to be doing that. Seeing her car sick made Michelle feel very sad, like she had let the car down. The doctor explained that the only thing that could be done was to give the car a transplant of a new transmission. She trusted the doctor and wanted what was best for her sweet car. What made Michelle even most sad was realizing that Hyundai would not honor her warranty because she had not filled out the book. Now Michelle is waiting the recovery of her car....and the bill that goes with it. Please pray for a speedy recovery and for a money tree to grow outside of her apartment.
your beautiful car is in my prayers love mel
Have rushed right out to Hallmark to find THE PERFECT card for the situation!
Girls should never be in charge of that stuff. Was the book pink and glittery? Does a transmission flush come with a discount to pottery barn?? How are we supposed to pay attention to that stuff then? Where's a dude when you need him...
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