Here are shots of my new hair! I had it done Tuesday at a great salon in Cambridge. Check out their site here: http://www.msaloncambridge.com/main.html
It took around 2 1/2 hours and the best part.....it cost NOTHING! Totally free! It's hard to get a great picture without it glaring. The first picture probably gives you the best idea.
It must be getting warmer, the Duck Boats are back on the streets! (and in the water)
Here is Ed next to a giant jar of peanut butter. This was at the Marathon Expo over the weekend.
how do you get free haircuts?!!! looks great!!!
Hey, great hair! What awesome colors!
That's so funny...I just got my hair cut and colored last week. I went dark and love it ;o)
I ended up getting a free hair cut (but I had to pay for the coloring) because I gave my hair to locks of love!
So how exactly did you get a free one??????
in our marathon catch-up session last night i forgot to mention how much i love your new hair!! its getting long!
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