Monday, July 31, 2006

My Place!

This is what $850 per month gets you in Boston! Pretty crazy. It's getting better now that things are being moved around and organized. It is quite small, but I think it will work out.
1. when you walk in, this is to the right
2. this is to the left
3. these two windows face my street
4. my music, living, and bedroom

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Anonymous said...

Wow!! It looks really good!!! Much better than the last time I saw it! I miss you!!!!!!!!

Beth said...

It looks very cute! Love the pink duvet! Hope you are doing well! We miss you too! Averie keeps saying "MiMi," when I tell her you went to Boston, she gasps and makes a sad face (like she does when she has a boo boo). It is precious. She says MiMi at least 10 times a day. :o)

Anonymous said...

I love it! Just remember, the smaller it is, the less there is to clean!

Tracy said...

looks great! Can't wait to see it in person!!!