Thursday, July 30, 2009

One Good Thing...

So this week for me has really sucked. However, this post is not about that. This post is about the few minutes today that were totally awesome.
Before a meeting, my boss pulled me into her office. I warned her that if she had anything bad to tell me that she should wait for another time. She assured me that she had something good to tell me. It seems that a parent of a child in our early intervention wasn't pleased with the worker that had been assigned to them. They called to complain and mentioned that they wanted me. Yes, they used my name. It seems that another parent in our program had told them all about me and how much they love me. So, it seems that I am now being requested.
There are many days that I feel great about what I do and others that I feel clueless. I guess I'm either doing a decent job or pretending really well! My boss was shocked and had never heard of anyone "making requests" for a certain worker.


Anonymous said...

YAY !!! Let's hear it for good news !!!!

Crystal said...

Good for you!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations - music therapy is your thing! I'll request you when my time comes.

Beth said...


Anonymous said...

loooove the faux toes