Thursday, February 16, 2012

......and we're back

Not sure that anyone will actually read this, but I feel too strongly not to put this out there. Tonight I was on netflix searching through instant movies in the gay/lesbian section. While it is true that I am gay, it is rare that I enter this viewing category. In reading the reviews of a movie I found something that knocked the wind out of me. After a few legit reviews came this: gays will burn in hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I feel lucky to live my days in a place where I can openly be who I am. Here in Massachusetts, especially in Boston, there are plenty of rainbow flags and equality stickers plastered around. I have the legal right to marry. It makes me sad to think that there are still so many people that don't have that. I hope that in my lifetime, that changes.
I grew up not being discriminated against. Being white and raised by highly educated, successful people protected me away from that. After coming out in my mid twenties I quickly realized the reality of discrimination. It was clear to me in a way that it never could have been before. All of a sudden I was part of a group that was hated just because of the people they are attracted to. I was part of a group that in some parts of the world are killed just because of the people they are attracted to. That's pretty hard to swallow. I don't dwell on the people that think who I am is wrong. Then there are days like today, comments like this.
To counteract this show of outright hatred, I urge you to watch the following short clip. It shows that there are amazing people in the world standing up for me and people like me. I choose to think about people like this instead.

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