Sunday, March 18, 2012

If you know me in "real life" you know that I have less faith in western medicine than the average american. This isn't for lack of knowledge or intelligence. Actually you could say that it's because of those things and experience with the alternative. I'm in the last few pages of the book Suffer the Children: the case against labeling and medicating and an effective alternative. If you work in any type of health care field you see how easy it is for drugs to be prescribed, especially to kids. While there is an argument that there are those rare cases that drugs are needed, there are far more times that they're not but given anyway. Why they are so readily given out is a topic for another day. The author of this book states in the last chapter something that made me stop dead in my reading tracks. "Antipsychotics are the single biggest drug expenditure for medicade. Medicade provides antipsychotic drugs free of charge to covered children.....Children on medicade are given antipsychotic drugs at a rate 4 times higher than children on private insurance." I don't know about you but that leaves me feeling ill and disappointed, yet again, in our "healthcare system."

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