Monday, April 23, 2007


Wow! What a difference a week makes. Last week we were in sweaters and heavy coats and today it was 86 degrees in the city. How crazy! I guess we missed spring somewhere. Anything but the rain and cold. I will have to post some pics. of my suntan/burn from the weekend. But, I have lots of school work.
Friday afternoon Ed, me, Meg, and Willy(dog) took a nice walk around the lake in Wakefield. It's 3 miles all the way around. We did the same thing the next morning but with Wendy and Arch (her bf).It was so warm out! Ed and I did some warm weather errands Sunday like buying soil, potters, flowers and herbs. It was nice not to have to wear a coat!
There is a big flowering tree outside my apt. window that smells great!
Ok, back to work!

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