Monday, February 18, 2008

ick, sick

While I am not sick-yet- it seems that everyone else is. My poor Taylor has the flu, Ella is recovering from double ear infections, Averie has some kind of bug, and I am sitting on the couch typing this with one hand as a sick Lars sleeps on my lap. He hasn't been himself and this morning while lying in bed with me he had a major vomiting streak. It's amazing how many things used to totally gross me out and how pretty much nothing does anymore. This afternoon he had a few seizures which led to him getting his med. for that. That would be what led him to his current drugged state. Say a prayer for all of these beautiful children that they won't have to be sick much longer and that the adults that are around them won't get it next!


Anonymous said...

You have certainly matured beyond your years since going off to Boston! Proud of you!!!
I can't say that I handle things much better yet - we had two foster puppies for ten days - and I didn't get used to the smell of their poop - but I do miss them.
It's in the 70's here in Sun City - when are you coming for a visit?
Cousin Deb

Anonymous said...

it's hitting us in dayton too; never ending snot and coughs....

Crystal said...

Olive leaf extract...I swear by it! You can actually take it as a supplement for maintenance and to prevent illness!

Meghan said...

Stay healthy, girl! Xan just got over a cold... and I think I'm just getting it. UGH. The joys of a pregnancy depressed immune system.

I've got my fingers crossed the kidlets get better soon, and you adult-folk stay healthy!