Sunday, January 25, 2009

Keepin' On...

Ah, another day spent at Panera drinking coffee (not sure if the unlimited refills are a good thing or a bad thing)and working on my thesis. It is coming along, thanks to all of you who are always asking. Some days feel more successful than others. While it is easy to get frustrated and feel completely overwhelmed, there are times that make it all ok.
Today for instance, I had one of those experiences. Panera seems to be the place to bring children. There are millions of them here every time I am. A group of women (I learned one was the mom, one the aunt, and one the grandmother) were sitting behind me with an ADORABLE baby. She was playing peek a boo and giving me huge smiles. It was a welcomed distraction. They inquired as to my work. I am sitting her (still) with a huge stack of books and papers. I discussed my thesis topic and they began describing how lucky they all were to not have had PPD. The grandmother was the last to leave. She came over to me and explained that her daughter lost a friend to suicide because of her untreated postpartum depression. She then told me that the work I was doing was so important.
With all that we know, this should NOT be happening. EVER. This is what keeps me going.

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