Tuesday, January 19, 2010






Some random pictures from today. The first is of the side of my office and the one after it is just looking in a different direction. Third is the blueberry cheesecake bars I made for my team meeting today. The edges got a little brown, but that didn't keep them from finishing it off. Final is out my car window at a stop light. I liked how it showed the ice.

And I am so sad about the outcome of the special election today. Scott Brown...NO THANKS. Just what we need, someone that wants rape victims to not have the choice of emergency contriception, believes that same-sex marriage shouldn't be allowed, and take down Obama's health care bill. Great. Wonderful.
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Anonymous said...

unrekated comment, this is annie,beth's friend. i got your comment on my blog and wondered what sort of help the EI could offer. i have worked in special ed also, but was unaware of that sort of help, i worked with pre-k so i don;t know too much about EI just the basics. let me know if you have time.

Jessica said...

I love the pictures, must be snowy where you are too.