Thursday, October 25, 2007

Today I met...

...the parking fairy! She swooped in out of no where and saw me having difficulty parking in a tight space. This was a miracle find too, no permit needed, no time limit, no meter....a must have. She told me to get out of the car and she parked it with ease and to my amazement. Then she told me to have a good day and was gone. It was utterly amazing. Thank you parking fairy, thank you.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Geesh...I wish they had those here in Chicago. Then I wouldn't mind driving so much ;o)

Hope all is well and that your classes are fabulous. Everything is cool here, albeit a bit stressful (major understatement). I'm getting ready to schedule for next semester...16 credit hours...phew. And I'm attempting to get an internship...but I'll make it through somehow ;o) spring your last semester?