Sunday, December 09, 2007

things that help

these are the things that are making me stay afloat these days:
1. peanut m & ms.
2. glass of wine or a beer on a regular basis
3. lars nuzzles
4. the amazingness of my friends to hold me emotionally and sometimes physically, until i can stand on my own. without them i would be no where.


Anonymous said...

Character- The willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life-the source from which self respect springs. Joan Didion

If you are pained by external things, it is not that they disturb you, but your own judgement of them. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

Meghan said...

I'm sorry things haven't been going well lately. I have to agree, though... those are all things that get me through the dark times. Chocolate - check! Wine - check (unfortunately, not now though)! Toddler snuggles - check! My awesome friends - check!

I hope things start looking up soon. I'm thinking about you down here in NC.