Monday, December 03, 2007

what i learned today...

1. do not wear ugg boots in snow/rain/slush weather. you will have very wet feet.
2. a new pair of socks can be really awesome when you have cold, wet feet.
3. people can make you feel like crap for having to cancel a commitment, even if your reason is completely out of your hands.
4. even though you have a 17 page paper to write, a 5 page paper to write, and 2 group presentations to work on, you can still have no motivation to do work.
5. it seems to be completely acceptable to walk around the lesley library in sock feet.
6. people from turkey get really excited to see snow (a classmate seeing it today for the first time in years)
8. only 27 percent of americans have a bachelor's degree.
7. when you think you have nailed down who you are is when the search begins again. (ok, so this wasn't today, but recent and relevant)

well, i wanted to make it to ten, but couldn't. feel free to comment about what you learned today.

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