Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Job Front

I met today with the mom that I am going to be working for part-time. She has the CUTEST 7 mo. old little girl. She, the mom, works from home so I will be there a few hours a couple of days per week to basically occupy the baby. They live right in Porter Sq. and a few blocks from a really nice park. I am excited to start and have at least some money coming in! I also have some other possibilities to add to this.


Crystal said...

Howdy! Good to hear that you're lining up jobs for the summer. And, what a coincidence, Kurt and I just found our new apartment in Chicago yesterday. $1300 every month is depressing, but that's city life for ya ;o)
Take care, keep in touch, and enjoy your summer!

Crystal said...

Oh...not the cabinet debacle. Not one of my proudest moments ;o) "Much ado about nothing." Must have been my PMS week ;o)

Yeah...saw the pictures. Very nice for 750! How far from the city will you be? Hopefully the traffic isn't too bad. Oh wait...you live in Boston ;o)

Whole Foods is the greatest store in the world!